Friday, November 10, 2006

Acting with Technology

My new book co-authored with Victor Kaptelinin, Acting with Technology: Activity Theory and Interaction Design, has just been published by MIT Press.

The book has a beautiful cover with artwork from my colleague Bill Tomlinson. The image is of computer generated humans ("agents" in Bill's lingo), gathered around a digital campfire. I liked the image because of the grace of the figures and because it calls to mind Leontiev's famous vignette of the primitive hunters which you can read about in the book :)

Here is the first review of the book (that I I know of) by Clay Spinuzzi.


Blogger Stefanie said...

The book is a very intersting read and gives a comprehensive overview on the possibilities for applying activity theory in research projects on the design of digital artifacts. I was wondering how activity theory, social informatics (e.g. Rob Kling) and social construction of technology (the German approach "Technikgenese") are related to one another. Are these perspectives on technology complementing one another? Or are they related historically, activity theory being the "meta-perspective"?

3:34 AM  
Blogger Stefanie said...

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3:35 AM  

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